Review Consideration Contact Form

This Board Game Life specializes in the board and card games often found in hobbyist game stores. Please use this form to contact This Board Game Life if you are interested in having your game(s) appear in our podcast or a YouTube video. A podcast appearance is usually a 5-15 minute look into the game covering components, quality and game play. A YouTube video is anywhere from 10-40 minutes long and involves minor setup explanation, game play, sample turns and final thoughts.

When contacting This Board Game Life, please make sure to provide the following information:

  • Contact information
  • How soon a review copy can be provided
  • Link(s) to find out more about your game
  • If it’s not in distribution already then when is it’s street date or Kickstarter launch

For retail releases:

Full podcast/video turn around after receipt is normally a few weeks although that can vary depending on backlog, real life or other production delays.

For Kickstarter releases:

Please make sure to contact This Board Game Life in advance of your Kickstarter to allow ample time for game play and media production. Production-ready prototype games are welcome however due to real life time constraints it’s unlikely we’ll be able to build print-and-play games. However, it doesn’t hurt to ask as you never know.
If prototypes must be re-mailed, we ask you to provide shipping/packaging costs. Also, we ask that you commit to providing a production copy so that the game can be revisited in its final form.