In this episode Jeff talks about taking his son to see the Avengers(No Not the Movie!)(1:30), Rob meets a gamer at work who is a big fan of … (6:06), Jeff mentions an interesting boardgaming blog site (12:34), and the hosts discuss Game Publisher exclusivity/Predictions on whats happening with Rio Grande Games, Just why you might buy from FLGS’s, and then go on to discuss and compare several OLGS’s (14:35).

Rob gets busy with BusyTown Airport (28:11), brings Zooloretto Wurfelspiel to bed (32:52), and talks about some other games he has gotten played (Carcassonne, Ra the Dice Game and more) (38:31). Jeff talks about a 5 player game of Lords of Waterdeep (43:08), Reviews Balloon Cup (46:26), and wraps up with some other games he has gotten played as well (55:21).

Rob talks all about Chips!(No Not the TV Show!)(56:33) and the hosts then debate the merits of Digital Ports of board games (1:06:38). Don’t forget to enter the TBGL contest for 1 of 2 copies of Zooloretto Wurfelspiel (1:26:10).

The shows Game Lust segment includes Tooth & Nail (1:29:07), Sedition Wars – Battle for Alabaster (1:31:10), and Twilight Struggle PC Edition (1:32:19). The hosts then conclude the show (1:36:16).
